This daughter, Elizabeth, was at once demanded in marriage for his son by the landgrave, and she was carried...
Archive for category: Biographies
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While still very young, Etheldreda was given in marriage by her father, Anna, King of East Anglia, to a...
This biography is Courtesy and Copyright to | Please donate to support them. Jean de Brébeuf was a...
This great champion of the faith has been attacked by modern writers as passionate and intolerant; it is true...
Copyright and Courtesy of | Please donate to support them. Franciscan Thaumaturgist, born at Lisbon, 1195; died at...
Descended from a noble family, from his earliest years Boniface showed great ability and received a religious education.
Courtesy of NewAdvent | Donate to Support them Born at Domremy in Champagne, probably on 6 January, 1412; died...
Text Copyright Rita was born in the year 1381 in the village of Roccaporena, near Cascia , Italy ....
She was born in Mornese, in what is now the province of Alessandria, northern Italy, to a peasant family...
Courtesy of EWTN | St Bernadette Soubirous Born in Lourdes, France, on January 7, 1844, Bernadette was the first...
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