
There are thousands of saints in heaven, and SaintNook is trying to bring some of them uniquely to life in this crazy, digital continent. Because we’re a small team of volunteers, we can only feature three saints a month. We’re kept plenty busy creating profiles, getting things set up and starting the ball rolling! Here’s where you can help.

We need help in

  1. featuring more saints a month
  2. keeping individual saints ‘alive’

If you are interested in doing either of those things, this page is for you!

And we will happily include a credit button to your website, fanpage or profile so that people know who to thank for bringing your saint to Saintnook.

Is a saint already adopted?

Contact us below with your questions. :)

What’s involved?

You can adopt your favorite saint (so long as they’re not already taken!) and do 3 important things for them:

  1. ​​Writing a short, factual bio that reflects the most important aspects of their life (read some of the ones we’ve written)
  2. Researching and submit​ting​ resources​ to us for their directory​
  3. ​sending us ​quotes, links or more​ to update their status (no more than a couple a week!).

Effectively, you get to ‘become’ your favorite saint online, and help others come to know them more deeply!

Adoption Form

We have developed a form that breaks down the steps to filling out a Saint’s profile, making it easier for you. You can fill out as much as you wish.

Start Filling the Form

Donate and Support

If you love the idea but can’t commit the time, you can also donate toward your favorite saint by selecting a donation level, from $5 to $50. Just email us and let us know it was you!

This helps Saintnook keep the lights on, and gives us the ability to promote a saint’s feast day to tens of thousands of people.

Donate Today

Questions or Comments?

If you have any questions, contact us right here to start the discussion!

[contact-form to=’[email protected]’ subject=’Message thru Saintnook’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

A whole new way of learning about the Saints! Browse Saints profiles, explore biographies, see their friends and activity! Contact us with any questions you might have!

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